ANALYSIS SUMMARY FOR P21XIn6 (2024/09/01 20:04)
Asteroid name Number of observations Arc length (h) Epoch (MJD) RMS H  MOID  (au) CA dist. (LD) V_inf (km/s)
P21XIn6 5 4.18 60554.418 1.147 17.92 1.2778906 12.96 44.27

Probabilities and scores

NEO score MBO score   DO   score   SO   score
0.31 0.25 0.00 0.44
PHA score
Geocentric score
Impact probability

ATTENTION!!! THE IMPACT PROBABILITY FOR THIS OBJECT IS NOT SIGNIFICANT, because it has only two tracklets or less, or it has three tracklets coming from the same observatory.
IT NEEDS A CONFIRMATION from other observatories or at least a fourth tracklet from the same observatory.

Auxiliary information

Run started at 2024-09-01 20:04 UTC and ended at 2024-09-01 20:07 UTC

Arc data

Arc type Significance of curvature
Geodesic Acceleration Overall
1 -0.13 2.01 2.09

MOV sampling data

Number of sample points Number of MOV orbits Number of impacting MOV orbits
4312 0