In this page we provide the user with some data and plots about the systematic ranging results on P11YeIZ.

We first provide the residuals, weights and observations file (RWO) of the MOV orbit with minimum χ and a catalogue of orbits of the MOV sampling. We then provide the user with the following figures:

Systematic ranging data

Files with residuals, weights and observations of the orbit with minimum χ: RWO file, PSV file

Single line catalogue of the MOV sampling: Orbit catalogue

Systematic ranging plots

Admissible Region
Color legend:
  • Blue: χ ≤ 2
  • Green: 2 < χ ≤ 5
  • Black: χ > 5
  • Red circles: impactors
  • Orange cross: orbit with minimum χ

  • Red line: outer boundary of the AR
  • Green line: inner boundary of the AR
  • Magenta dashed line: shooting star limit (H ≤ 34.5)

Download EPS figure here.
Perihelion - Eccentricity
Color legend:
  • First connected component: blue (χ ≤ 2), green (2 < χ ≤ 5)
  • Second connected component (if present): light pink (χ ≤ 2), dark pink (2 < χ ≤ 5)

Download EPS figure here.
Perihelion - Inclination
Color legend:
  • First connected component: blue (χ ≤ 2), green (2 < χ ≤ 5)
  • Second connected component (if present): light pink (χ ≤ 2), dark pink (2 < χ ≤ 5)

Download EPS figure here.