
Asteroids - Dynamic Site
AstDyS ∴ Objects ∴ Eris ∴ Obs prediction
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(136199) Eris  ▹ 
Astrometric Observation Prediction
For 2019/04/27 00:00:00 (UTC);  58600.00000(MJD)
Observatory code = 0500
RA = 01:44:21.810 (HH:MM:SS);    26.09087 (deg)
DEC = -01 48 22.15 (deg min sec);    -1.80615 (deg)
RA*cos(DEC)/DEC Apparent motion =      0.024      0.010 (arcsec/min)         0.4         0.2 (marcsec/s)
Apparent motion velocity =     0.026 arcsec/min) and Position Angle =  67.985 (deg)
Sun distance =  96.0585 (au)
Earth distance =  97.0194 (au)
Sun elevation above horizon =     NaN (deg)
Solar elongation =   17.22 (deg)    Lunar elongation =  -76.55 (deg)
Galactic latitude =  -61.68 (deg)   Galactic longitude =  151.76 (deg)
Apparent magnitude = 18.78
Phase angle =    0.18 (deg)
Altitude =    0.00 (deg)    Airmass =   INF 
Size and orientation of 1-sigma uncertainty ellipse
Short axis : Size = 1.379343E-02 (arcsec); Direction =   0.97527 -0.22101
Long axis : Size = 1.582897E-02 (arcsec); Direction =   0.22101  0.97527
The confidence boundary shown below has been computed using the linear theory.